My wife is brilliant with her artwork

My wife was always serious about her painting work.

She has worked on all kinds of canvases and she shines when she paints the wall space in homes, that’s her favorite type of surface to paint on.

But with the familiar canvas she uses in her painting studio, she has painted some incredible pieces. She started out just selling them at the market or going to events to capture the eyes of numerous people. She has sold tons of paintings that way, but now she loves to display her pictures at art galleries so that they can fetch some of the highest prices. Sometimes when people ask her the secret behind her work, she says imagination goes a long way with it all, but she also needs the comfort to be able to get into her work. She says it’s like diving into a dream and capturing it all in a painting. Of course when we are dreaming, we tend to prefer those cooler climate control conditions. She doesn’t like to be disturbed so her painting studio is soundproof. She also has a ductless mini split so she is able to heat and cool her own space at her preferred temperature control settings. The thermostat she has is connected to her smart device so she easily can dictate what she wants the temperature control settings to be as she is painting. It’s truly remarkable how she gets into the work, but she doesn’t like to be watched when she is working. There was a time when she let me witness the process behind her work, but that only happened once.


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