It’s always harder when you’re not the owner.

It’s easy to tell people what they should do when there is a problem in their homes.

It is always easy to tell them what you would do, but you are the owner of that house, or the car.

When I was looking for new HVAC equipment, family and friends were all offering their opinion on what would be best. They told me about their air conditioning units and their furnaces. I was told how good radiant heated floors are, but someone else told me they regretted the decisions to have radiant heated flooring. They said it was too hot in the house, since every surface was heated. I had wondered about this, if you had radiant heated flooring in the bedroom. I would love to have warmer floors, but I also enjoyed having cool sheets. If the heating heated my sheets, I would not be a happy camper. I’m sure my wife wouldn’t be happy if her granite counters got heated, either. I was interested to hear if anyone had anything to say about the ductless HVAC system, but everyone was quiet. I wondered if it was because no one had any experience with ductless HVAC, or if they just didn’t know what it was. I finally got to the point where, if someone tried to tell me what I should do with the HVAC equipment, I either changed the subject, or I walked away from them. It is my home, and I wanted what my wife and I chose, and it had to be our decision and no one else’s.
