I was afraid of losing my favorite store

After a really bad tornado ripped through our area, I was incredibly glad that my home and family are still in one piece.

It seemed like most of the damages happened outside of my area.

However, my happiness was short lived when I found out that my favorite HVAC store was damaged! Most people would tell me to move on and find another HVAC place, but they don’t understand. This HVAC business was owned by a good friend of mine, we have known each other for years, and I was his “special” customer. Most HVAC corporations are completely overpriced, and his store was the only store that kept decent prices, although he also always gave me a discount because we are good friends. So I couldn’t move on so easily without being concerned for my friend first. Luckily, I found out that he was just fine, and that he was going to be opening his HVAC business up again, but since there was so much damage, it was going to have to be closed for awhile for repairs. I was so glad to hear this, because I was afraid I was going to lose my favorite store, and in the process, potentially my good friend. Until his store opens back up, I guess I will have to hope that my air conditioning unit and heater can go a while without any help. My friend always helped me whenever I had issues with my heating and cooling components. Thankfully, my HVAC device is of very good quality, so I think it will be just fine.

electric heater