He couldn’t turn down a deal – car with no HVAC

Inevitably, he would wind up with another car that had no working heating or cooling system

Whenever I think about my dad, I think about collecting a lot of worthless items. He was a bit of a thrifty fellow who insisted that he was always on the hunt for a good deal. I completely understand the thrill of finding something valuable for next to nothing. However, at a certain point you have to realize that you don’t have any more space for all of these supposed treasures you find. This was especially true when it came to purchasing vehicles. My dad was obsessed with picking up cars that seemed like they were set at a cheap asking price. Unfortunately, he didn’t necessarily make sure that the car worked properly. This is how he wound up with a whole yard full of random vehicles that were half operable. For instance, I know that about half of them only could be utilized in the spring and fall Seasons because they had no on-board heating and cooling system. If he saw a car on the road he would buy it before even testing out the thermostat controls and making sure that both of the heating and cooling systems were in working order. As such, he got a lot of unpleasant surprises when the air temperature changed and he had no working furnace or air conditioning in his car. Then, he would scoot the vehicle to his junkyard and go searching for another deal. Inevitably, he would wind up with another car that had no working heating or cooling system. When I turned sixteen and my dad offered to give me one of his old vehicles… I thought about the heating and air conditioning situation and quickly passed.
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